For World Champions from Switzerland

For World Champions from Switzerland

Global Swiss Group, a supplier of vitamins, minerals and food supplements, extends its expertise in the manufacture and distribution of nutritional products and presents new Swiss Energy Pets food for cats and dogs.

Swiss Energy Pets food is the result of the company's thoughtful choice. Its basis was building up for years, with acquiring proprietary pharmaceutical manufacture and earning extensive competence in the markets of effervescent, sustained release, gummy and lozenge vitamins for men, women and children. Upon thorough consideration, an initial idea of vitamin supplements for pets transformed into a whole pet diet project, as the tests manifested that vitamin-saturated feedstuff is an easier way to nurture domestic animals with enough vitamins than giving separate pills and capsules.

Swiss Energy Pets is a nutritional solution for pet owners to meet the dietary needs of their four-legged companions, developed by Swiss veterinarians and food engineers. The products are manufactured exclusively in Switzerland by a well-established factory of feed for farm livestock, zoo animals and home pets. The production has more than a 30-year history and is certified by such respected associations, as Swiss Label and Swiss Feed Production Standard.

Swiss Energy Pets super premium food caters to quadruped friends of different sizes, life cycles, activity levels and specific health requirements. The main features, which all dog and cat food ranges have in common, are the provision of optimal protein, fiber and fat intakes, ideal dosages of elements and nutrients, and optimal digestibility.

Browse Swiss Energy Pets foods for cats and dogs and join the club of happy pet owners!

Date: 2021-06-11